Go…and Stay
-By Joshua Trainer
Like so many of you, it’s my custom to pour over the Gospel accounts of the resurrection during the Easter season. I’m drawn most to John’s account because of how he describes Jesus’ intimate interactions between Himself and His disciples, especially what Jesus says to Peter about John.
Jesus and seven of the disciples finished breakfast on the beach, and Jesus and Peter go for a walk, while John follows closely behind. I’m assuming that’s because John doesn’t want to miss a single thing his Rabbi and risen Lord says or does. We read how Jesus restores Peter and tells him his life will be taken, but His invitation is still open, “Follow Me.” Peter turns around and spots John eavesdropping and asks, “What about him?” What Jesus says in response stops me dead in my tracks every time: “If it is My will for him to remain until I come, what is that to you? As for you, you follow Me” (John 21:22).
“As for you, you follow Me.”
Jesus tells Peter that He has a specific plan and purpose for each of them, so Peter’s primary concern ought not to be the status nor path of John, but instead his own faithfulness to their Rabbi and now risen Lord, Jesus. This story is worthy of our meditation for many reasons, but how does it relate to Frontline? Great question.
In our age, the regions of the world with the least amount of Gospel access are often the most difficult places in the world for Christians to live. Sometimes it’s because of geopolitical hostility, remoteness, or various forms of spiritual conflict—and often it’s a combination of these. It’s not easy. Jesus doesn’t ask every one of His followers to go to these places, but He is asking every person to follow Him—and for some, that will mean leaving their lives at home to give them abroad.
At Frontline, we’re not merely interested in people going to these difficult places. We want them to be equipped to stay there so that the Gospel can advance. And one thing is certain: going is hard, but staying is even harder. So, the question then becomes:
“What does it take for a missionary candidate to become the kind of person that can stay in difficult places for the advancement of the Gospel?”
We answer this question with the Frontline Experience Program.
In Frontline’s 30+ years of pursuing this kind of dedicated Gospel advance, we’ve learned a few things about going and staying. While biographies, classes, and sermons are astounding resources to stimulate a desire to go, they can’t sustain a person to stay. We believe the optimal training environment is on the field, and that’s why we developed the Frontline Experience (FX). FX is a training and orientation program that serves the Church and advances the Gospel by equipping men and women to serve Christ in hard-to-reach places.
FX Interns work with Frontline staff and veteran teams on the field to discern how God could be leading them individually to advance the Gospel. We specifically arrange training around language, daily life, and ministry, as these are the integral components that enable long-term work. This combination of field experience, mentorship, and conversations throughout the internship is designed to provide each intern with clarity about how they can take the next step to go and stay in an overseas context. We offer the FX Program as an exceptionally viable path for you and your church to equip potential long-term workers.
“How is Jesus inviting you to follow Him?”
We recognize there are many unknowns—not just for long-term going, but even just how to take the next step. John’s Gospel account doesn’t tell us what happened immediately after Jesus’ and Peter’s beachside conversation, but other New Testament writings and Church history do. Both John and Peter faithfully followed their Rabbi and risen Lord - one step at a time - for a lifetime. As for you, faithfully follow Jesus one step at a time and leave how it ends up to Him. But if He is asking you to go, then we can help equip you to stay.
We’d love to keep talking if you (or someone you know) want to move in this direction. Follow this link to find out more about the FX program.
Joshua Trainer
Mobilization Coordinator
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